Friday, December 28, 2007

The more I know of people....

.... the more I like cats.

Poor Tatiana the Tiger. I swear... if I hear one more "Oh those poor people at the zoo that got hurt!" Meh... those people were either;

a. Not fast enough.
b. Too tasty looking for their own good
c. Cosmically stupid enough to start teasing a large fuck-you-up type animal.

Any of those makes it their own damn fault.

"Zoo officials and police authorities have not ruled out the possibility that the victims may have dangled a limb over the animal's enclosure, helping the big cat escape."

OK. Wtf? You know I'm on the cats side, but this is just silly. Officials are trying to blame the escape on someone "dangling a limb" over the wall??? Seriously!? For fucks sake... teenage guys are going to be stupid, just as a tiger is going to want to bite the flesh bags that are teasing her. Maybe the zoo should have anticipated something like this.

Here's the thing... The tiger escaped, attacked and killed and did all sorts of bitey - bitey badness on people. Well yeah....HE'S A FREAKIN' TIGER! It's what tigers do. Tigers would be far less exciting if their nature lead them to play chess while wearing a robe and slippers or something.

I blame the zoo. Zoos need to be designed to keep the humans out of the animal enclosures. Animals are are animals... they're amoral and opportunistic - only a human can be deeply deeply stupid.

In the end... Aside from the loss of the tiger, I find that the real tragedy here is that Rosie O'Donnell wasn't at that zoo wearing an extra-large meat sweater on Tuesday around 5 p.m. That woulda been nice.

I'm just sayin'...


Anonymous said...

I'm on the cats' side, too. My heart aches thinking how beautiful and gracious Tatiana was senselessly killed while trying to deffend herself. Why did they have to kill her??? What happened with tranquilizing animals who do what they are supposed to do. I totally agree with what you said here. Good job!

Goodbye, Tatiana! See you in a better world...